Saturday, August 20, 2011

Casey James, Main Street Festival 8/20/11

Before today, I really wasn't a fan of Casey James. I couldn't tell you a single thing he sang on Idol. Last week, I started hearing something about his new single..and to be honest, I wasn't completely sure who he was. After verifying he didn't growl and cry/hyperventilate in an over-the-top manner during Season 10, I vaguely remembered voting a few times for Crystal AND Lee in the S9 Idol Top 3 because I didn't want him in the finale (ouch, right?). Therefore, to me, Casey just wasn't memorable. I didn't dislike him, but I guess you could say I didn't really "get" him.

Fast forward to the Friday that I hear Casey is coming to town the next day. I love live music, particularly when it comes from former Idol contestants since they can actually sing. So of course I decided to go. I think it is safe to say that I won't forget him after this night.

Casey nailed it in every possible area: graciousness, pitch, banter, musicality, stage presence, personality. Even punctuality; there was no waiting around 45 minutes - he started right at 8. Casey's voice has an amazing tone and television does not do him justice. Between his richer-than-expected voice and amazing guitar skills, any criticism I (vaguely) remember having of him during Idol (e.g., "his voice is too thin") seemed a bit faulty. I am amazed I liked the music so much with no familiarity of any of the songs. My favorite was a ballad called "Why I'm Feeling Blue"; I enjoyed the warm, bluesy honesty.

And as for Casey's graciousness: he started his set by telling us he feels at home, and he offered a humble "thanks, ya'll" after nearly every song. One thing I've picked up from locals in the two years I have lived here is that they have a lot of pride in North Canton and it's growth; Casey was aware of this and made reference to some of the positive changes happening in this town. As if his onstage presence wasn't enough, he announced that he would be free after his set for as long as it would take to meet everyone who's interested. Thanks to the adrenaline from the great show, I did want to meet him (to see him up close, get a physical reminder of the great show, and tell him how much I enjoyed his music). Casey continued to tell fans he was grateful for the opportunity to play here, personalized each autograph, and posed for an individual (or family) picture...with everyone in line. This had to have been a two-hour commitment, but Casey seemed happy to do it.

A favorite part of my concert experiences is people-watching. The crowd was very polite and I did not witness any bad behavior to shake my head at. The locals around me were gushing about how they have never had anyone so famous at the Main Street Festival and how attendance seems much better than usual. I heard an older couple next to me talking about how great Casey sounded, and a couple of older women discussing how adorable he was. A husband suggested his wife just "run up and give him a kiss and get it over with" and they laughed heartily. Positive buzz was coming from all over; I think he definitely gained some new fans. (And while I smiled at what the older fans were saying, there were fans of all ages enjoying the show....there were more than a few little girls and teens giddy about meeting Casey).

From this point forward, I know I'll remember who Casey James is. He's an unassuming guy who made a small, close-knit community happy for an evening with his time, talent, and generosity. I am really excited that a record label has recognized his talent and that there is new music coming out soon; when that happens, I'll remember him as an artist worth supporting. If Casey comes near your town, I'd say he is definitely worth checking out, even if you are initially thinking "Casey who?"